Few Guidelines for this Section.This Section is intended to provide a warm, friendly atmosphere for the fashion loving stylers! And in order to maintain stability and a sense of community, all users should read the following posting guidelines please remember to stay on topic in the threads dedicated to fashion and style.
What is the purpose of the Fashion & Style Section?This section is for discussing fashion and appearance-related topics. From Parisian haute couture to the latest teen trends, hairstyle advice to make-up tips, this section is the place to be.
What sorts of topics can be posted here?Contemporary fashions/SubculturesTraditional/Cultural fashionsDesignersCareers in fashion & make-upShows & conventionsMake-up brands & tipsHair styling, trends, and products
Before posting, please consider the following:
Absolutely no advertisements, or related materials. No selling of personal items, even fashion-related items will be allowed
Off-topic posts will be moved to the correct Section by the moderators anytime.
Before starting a new thread, take a look ensure that there is not already a pre-existing thread discussing the same matter.
Mod Team Leaders and Moderators of Fotn have the right to delete or merge duplicate threads.
If starting a new thread, please post a title that accurately reflects the contents and information within the thread .Ensure that you have describe your thread with an appropriate subject when making a new topic. This makes browsing easier and friendlier
Personal Attacks: We encourage discussion and healthy debate, and personal attacks are not warranted.
Don't post / link to pornography, wares, illegal material or offensive content. Also, please be mindful of your language. Message boards of this nature draw many different kinds of people, and people of different ages - observing these rules are just good common sense and etiquette when dealing with others.
Use the Report Bad Post icon. This will send a message to all Administrators/Moderators. Please help us keep the section clean and running smoothly by using this feature and report guideline violations or questionable material.Guidelines & Disclaimer For Fashion & Lifestyle Section
Fashion Section does not endorse the views of its contributors nor guarantee the originality of its content. All contributions are carried in good faith.
Any opinions expressed by a member are those of the member alone, and are not to be attributed to
By any means, is not liable for the accuracy, completeness, safety, timeliness, legality or applicability of anything said or written by any member. Thank you for your cooperation! We appreciate it Moderator of Fashion & Lifestyle Section
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