In the mystery of Rennes Le Chateau there are three paintings that are mentioned that Sauniere brought back with him and studied. The main one is The Shepherds of Arcadia which everyone has seen on numerous occasions. However the other two are not so readily available. Very surprisingly I could not find them anywhere on the Internet so I have decided to post them myself. The first is the second rendition of The Shepherds of Acadia a very rare painting indeed since nowhere is it shown on the entire internet. It is alledged to be "hidden" in the dark dungeons of The Louvre in Paris. I have no idea why. Have a look below.
The second is St. Anthony and St. Paul by Teniers again nowhere could I find this on the internet. Again, to me, this was very surprising. See this apparently rare and seldom seen picture below.
A third seldom seen picture is another rendition of Et in Arcadia ego this one by Il. Guercino. Note the symbolism in both. I wish I really knew what these paintings were trying to tell us. But Poussin knew and so did Teniers for as the priest Sauniere tried to tell us or at least the person or persons responsible for the cryptic clue ... "Poussin and Teniers hold the key"
This picture below which although not included among the paintings Sauniere brought back is often mentioned in conjunction with the mystery. The thing that immediately caught my eye was the skull at the base of the cross, very similar indeed to the corresponding statue at Rennes Le Chateau. I will include both the painting and the satatue for you to compare. It is entittled the Crucifiction by none other than Teniers.
The common thing that appears in all these pictures is a skull. But who's skull and what exactly does it represent. There have been many guesses from the head of Bahoptmet to the head of God ... but whatever it really represents it is indeed very stark imagery. I will post then side by side so you can examine them at your leisure.
The final one is the picture of the Pope St. Celestine V which I will include here as well. The angles of the staffs and the whole overall look and feel of the painting is is great accord with the previous two which I have shown. These three, which Sauniere brought back with him from his visit to Paris and The Louvre, all hint at some deep secret. Please note the checkerboard pattern on the floor and the Fleur de Lise in the bottom left hand corner of the pattern. Before going on to the picture I would like to quote a very short biography written totally from the church's perspective. First it should be noted that he ruled as Pope for less than a year which seemed to be a habit at this time in history so that in itself is not unique. ....
"On December 13th Celestine met the cardinals in the great hall of the palace. Clad in his pontificals he read them the decree of abdication, then stepped down and stripped himself of all papal imsignia. The "Great Refusal", as Dante called it.
Celestine was kept in confinement by his successor Boniface VIII, lest he should become the tool of designing schemes and endanger the unity of the church, He died on May 19th, 1296. Pope Clement V cannonized him in. (This is, if one studies the record carfully, so much rubbish. How could he have possibly endangered the unity of the church. There appears to be much more to this story than the church would let on. There are reports that he was instrumental in helping the Templars and that is why he was carefully locked up untill his death. Sure would be interesting to get into The Vatican Archives and read some of what was really written during this time. I am sure it would be illuminating !)
The painting is entitled "Allegory of the Coronation of Celestine V" and is supposedly a French painting of the 16th century, however how they can date it to this period not knowing the artist is beyond me. There is no history of it as far as who owned it and how it came into being and furthermore I have yet to be able to see a rendition in colour. Very curious indeed. Personally I get the feeling that it is perhaps earlier than they say but then what do I know of art. It is, of course, housed in the Louvre. Enjoy and study it closely for I am sure it holds a key as well ! I have not so far been able to find out who the artist was or decipher it's meaning, however the angles of the two staffs that are prominent are, as fas as I can see, identical to those that appear in Poussin's "The Shepherds of Arcadia" (common version). Lastly notice that he is holding a key. But what is it the key to ? Perhaps if we find this out we might stumble onto the answer to the rest of the mystery ! Was it Poussin and Tenier who held the key or is it Celestine V ? ... Who knows ?
Another very rare picture is one taken from the book "Le Cuer d'amours espris" entitled "La Fountaine de fortune" commissioned by Rene d'Anjou. Again ripe with symbolism that is begging for a true deciphering. Again see below.
Many of the paintings of this time are ripe with the same angle used for staffs, sceptres and other articles. The nagging question to me is what does this really mean. What is the real meaning of the angle which is usually to the left about 18 degrees. I wish I knew. Perhaps one day someone will truly figure it out.
And now let's take a look at the entire picture of The Shepherds of Arcadia. Why do I say the entire picture ? Apparently there were several inches that were concealed, perhaps deliberately, behind the frame. This would effectively stop anyone from truly seeing or figuring out the true mathematical symbolism within this painting. Below, as far as I know, is the true rendering of Poussin's "The Shepherds of Arcadia" Please take note at the top the amount of painting that was covered by the old frame. Very interesting.
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